Hobo Bags and Bacon

Okay, this post has nothing to do with bacon.  “Hobo Bag” sounded too blah…so I added bacon.  Everything’s better with bacon.

I love bacon…I love bags!!  I’ve just started making bags of my own.  Please don’t judge.  I’m aware they look rough.  But I’m a novice, man!  I made this hobo bag with a Tommy Hilfiger toile bed-sheet.  The true test will be loading it up with all my junk and seeing if it’ll hold.

I stumbled across a tutu tote bag a few days ago and couldn’t find a pattern for the design I wanted…so…I made my own.  I haven’t started sewing yet.  If it comes out like the picture in my head, it’ll be too cool for school!

I made this wreath thingy for a friend’s birthday.  Really.  I don’t even know what it is.  A wreath?

Off the subject…but remember the kitty that my kid almost drowned a couple of weeks ago?  Here’s her little flea-ridden self.  We’ve named her Punkin.  How could you try to drown such a cutie?!

Josette’s Academy of Dance~Recital 2010

Cali had her first dance recital this past weekend.  Naturally, we made a big deal about it.  You would’ve thought she was the prima ballerina in a special production of Swan Lake for the Queen of England.  If you don’t believe in miracles, well…you should.  If you’ll note in the following pictures…Cali’s hair is slicked back.  She didn’t put up too much of a fight for the dress rehearsal.  But she had a complete and total meltdown prior to the main event and I honestly didn’t think we were gonna make it.  I was in dire need of a daquiri by the time we left the house.

Mood swings aside, the recital went beautifully.  Every single one of the dancers did an awesome job.  Everything from the programs to the sensational costumes was first class and I’m proud that my daughter had a part in the process. 

I was only able to take photos during the rehearsal…so you’re unable to see the beautiful costumes worn by the older girls.  Take my word for it…they were stunning.

If you live in the Albany area, check out Josette’s and see everything they have to offer. 

Josette’s Academy of Dance is a performing arts school of excellence, recognized as an innovative leader for pushing forward a new standard of dance training and theater classes in the community. They proudly offer a nurturing training program with professional instruction for all ages and skill levels. 

They are now accepting summer enrollment. You may register online, or call the studio to register.  Classes start June 7th!